2024 Supply List
Kindergarten - 1st Grade
2nd - 4th Grade
5th - 6th Grade
Recommended Supplies for Home Days
Pre-K4 Sibling Group Supplies
- 1 - 2-pocket plastic folder
- 2 - 12-pack of pencils
- 1 pack of color pencils
- 1 - pencil box
- 4 - large pink erasers
- 1 - 4-pack Dry Erase markers
- 1 - Hand Sanitizer Clear Gel - 8 fl oz
- 1 box of tissues
- 2 containers of disinfectant wipes
- 1 box of zippered bags, plastic, gallon
- 1 box of zippered bags, plastic, sandwich
2nd - 4th Grade
- 1 - 2-pocket plastic folder
- 2 - 12-pack of pencils
- 1 pack of color pencils
- 1 - pencil box
- 4 - large pink erasers
- 1 pair of headphones for computer use
- 1 - 4-pack Dry Erase markers
- 1 - Hand Sanitizer Clear Gel - 8 fl oz
- 1 box of tissues
- 2 containers of disinfectant wipes
- 1 box of zippered bags, plastic, gallon and/or sandwich
- 2 - Composition notebooks (wide ruled)
- 1 - 1 1/2 inch 3-ring Binder
- 1 - pack of index cards
5th - 6th Grade
- 4 - 2-pocket plastic folder
- 2 - 12-pack of pencils
- 1 pack of color pencils
- 1 - pencil box
- 4 - large pink erasers
- 1 pair of headphones for computer use
- 2 - 4-pack Dry Erase markers & eraser
- 1 - Hand Sanitizer Clear Gel - 8 fl oz
- 1 box of tissues
- 2 containers of disinfectant wipes
- 1 box of zippered bags, plastic, gallon and/or sandwich
- 2 - Composition notebooks (wide ruled)
- 1 - 1 1/2 inch 3-ring Binder
Recommended Supplies for Home Days
- Chromebook/Laptop/iPad for online video lessons
- Pencils, erasers
- crayons, markers, or colored pencils
- scissors
- glue/glue stick
Pre-K4 Sibling Group Supplies
- Wide or regular size pencils
- 1 - 2-pocket plastic folder
- Pencil box with scissors, glue, and crayons.
- 2 containers of Disinfecting Wipes
- 1 box of tissues
- 1 box of sandwich or gallon Ziploc bags
- 1 book bag & lunch bag/box
- Morning snack and lunch (We provide refrigerators and microwaves. Make sure any food that needs to be reheated is in a microwave safe container. No frozen meals or canned foods. We do not prepare foods or provide other dishes to heat food in. Food must come already prepared).
- Sheet and pillow for cot (Pre-K group has a quiet rest time from 1-3pm)
- Change of clothing (including undergarments) in a plastic bag labeled with child’s name.